Provides information to secure yourself online. Helping to make the internet safer and more secure for everyone.

FTC Online Privacy and Security
Federal Trade Commission website exploring online privacy, how to protect your devices from hackers and threats, and how to avoid common online scams.

Pew Research Center
Nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. They conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research.
The federal government’s one-stop resource for identity theft victims. The site provides streamlined checklist and sample letter to guide you through the recover process. provides a comprehensive directory of colleges and universities offering cybersecurity degrees and a wealth of information on cybersecurity career paths, security clearances, professional security certifications, free online security courses and more.

NOVA Cybersecurity Lab
Help students learn how to keep their digital lives safer, spot cyber scams, understand the basics of coding and defend against cyber-attacks with these games, videos and lesson plans for grades 6-12.

Cybersecurity Courses for Beginners
Comparitech has searched and compiled a list of online cybersecurity courses to assist individuals interested in considering a career in the cybersecurity field. These courses will provide a good place to begin your cybersecurity education.

Top 10 Crime Types Reported To IC3 in 2017 (by Victim Loss)
IC3 Says Victim Losses Exceeded $1.4 Billion in 2017

Security and the Internet of Things
The Internet of Things includes both traditional electronics and everyday “things” embedded with sensors, computing, and networking capabilities.